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Midnight Kisses Page 9

  “You don’t have to put yourself through so much trouble. Just let me go where I was. I can take care of myself.”

  “Okay, I’ll make you a promise. If you don’t like being with Gloria, I’ll let you do whatever you want to.”

  It seemed like minutes passed before Jamie spoke. “I’ll go,” she said reluctantly. “But I’m going to hold you to your promise.”

  “Good. I’ll take you over there when you’ve been discharged. The doctor should be here soon. I have to go up to my office for a little bit. I’ll come down as soon as Dr. Archer arrives. You can get dressed after he leaves.”

  Renée reached out to touch Jamie’s hand. They were trembling. Renée looked at her and realized something. She was still a little girl. Under all that boldness and bravado, she was just a little girl looking for love. Renée felt the urge to hug her, but she decided against it. Gloria’s home would be the ideal place. Jamie would get all the hugs she wanted.

  “I’ll be back,” she said softly. Jamie smiled in return, and resting her head back against the pillows, closed her eyes.

  Renée turned and left the room. She’d call Gloria and let her know that she would be dropping by later. She stepped out into the corridor and came face-to-face with Daniel. She could tell he was trying to remain calm, but she noticed the signs that he was uncomfortable. She smiled, a smile she knew didn’t reach her eyes. She was still annoyed with him, and waiting patiently to see what he had to say.

  “Hi,” was the only thing he said.

  She responded likewise. She tried to think of something witty to say, as women in movies would, but nothing came to mind.

  Instead, she realized that sticking to business would be better.

  “You’ve come to see Jamie?” she finally asked.

  “I haven’t seen her since I came back. I just wanted to know how she’s doing.”

  “She’s in her room. She’d being discharged today. I’ll be taking her over to the lady I told you about.”

  “I hope she’s all right with that.”

  “She promised me that she would give it a try.”

  “That’s good. At least she’s willing to give it a chance.”

  “You can go in and chat with her. I just need to go to my office to collect her files and I’ll be back.”

  “We have to talk,” he replied.

  All she could do was nod. She knew that they’d have to talk. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but it was definitely inevitable.

  She turned and walked away, refusing to look back. She could feel his eyes looking through her. Heat coursed through her body and when she stepped into the elevator she sighed in relief. Seeing Daniel always seemed to leave her disoriented…and flushed.

  When she reached her office, she sat and searched for the papers she needed and then she stared at the clock, watching the hand move slowly along.

  A half hour later, her phone rang and she snatched it up. It was Cheryl. Dr. Archer had come and gone. She put her things away, fixed her desk and headed back downstairs.

  When she reached the room, she heard laughter coming from inside. It was husky male laughter and the delightful giggle of a teenage girl. Inside the picture was one she’d longed to see. Laughter transformed Jamie. She positively sparkled, and Renée almost cried with relief. Her eyes moved to Daniel. He hadn’t seen her enter. He, too, had been transformed. He seemed more relaxed, more carefree.

  This was the man she was falling in love with. Each aspect of his personality fascinated her, warmed her until she wanted to hold him and never let go.

  He turned and their eyes met.

  “Daniel has offered to take you and Jamie to Gloria’s house. I accepted for you,” Cheryl said. She’d changed her blouse.

  The look on Renée’s face was incredulous and Daniel did all he could to control his laughter. She didn’t want to be around him, but he had offered for a reason. He had to talk to her. To apologize. He realized he had been insensitive and unkind. He needed to rectify the situation. He wanted them to be friends. He wanted them to be more, but he didn’t want to get much closer yet. His family situation still needed to be resolved. But he didn’t want her to intrude in that part of his life. Next she would start acting like she was his counselor and helping him to deal with his troubled mind.

  He knew that she didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary with him, but he wanted to talk to her and would do anything possible to make sure they were alone. Yet he couldn’t make her talk. She was still angry at the way he had treated her. She couldn’t help him if he kept trying to pushing her away.

  He watched as Renée helped Jamie pack her bag, her back stiff and unbending. He knew her posture, her attempt to ignore him, was a cover for how she was really feeling.

  She finally turned to him and said, “We’re ready.”

  “Good, my car is in the parking lot. I’m going to get the car and drive around to the pickup point. You can bring Jamie down,” he replied.

  “Thank you. I hope we’re not taking up too much of your time.”

  “Of course not. I’ve finished work for the day. I’m all yours,” he replied, the smile on his face expanding.

  She ignored him again and helped Jamie from the bed into a wheelchair.

  He exited the room, holding the door open for them. When they started down the corridor he quickened his step. “I’ll go ahead. Just wait for me outside.”

  He turned and walked away, smiling as he did. He’d really got under her skin today and he was having so much fun with her discomfort. He walked quickly down the stairs to the bottom floor and took the exit that led directly to the parking lot. In a few minutes he was pulling up at the main entrance where Renée and Jamie stood waiting.

  He stopped the car, stepping out and opening the door for each of them. When Jamie was seated in the backseat, he helped Renée in and she stepped inside. Their hands touched and he felt the now familiar spark of awareness their physical contact resulted in. She pulled her hands away and he looked at her, willing her to lift her head. She did, and he saw the flames burning in her eyes.

  She averted her gaze as he closed the door, before he rounded the car and got in. Again there was that moment of intensity when his leg touched hers. She shifted hers, moving her body closer to the door.

  He pulled out of the driveway and made his way onto the highway. The drive was uneventful. When he realized that she had no intention of talking, he turned the radio on and let it do the speaking.

  It took twenty minutes to reach Gloria’s home, the sterile concrete of the city soon giving way to residential suburbs. Tall trees lined the streets, children played on the sidewalks.

  When Renée indicated an open gate, he pulled in and drove slowly down the wide driveway. The gardens were magnificent, with well-tended hedges and rows and rows of flowers.

  From the backseat, he heard Jamie’s cry of surprise. “Wow, this lady must be loaded. What would she want with delinquent children like me?”

  “Oh, she’ll tell you her whole story before the end of the day, I’m sure,” Renée said.

  Jamie did not respond. Instead, like Daniel, she stared at the massive colonial mansion they’d driven up to. Daniel parked the car and waited, unsure of what to do.

  “You can park the car over there,” Renée instructed.

  Daniel followed her instruction and parked the car next to a new BMW, the kind of car he dreamed of as a child. He got out and headed to the back where he helped Jamie out of the car.

  Renée watched him. Ever gentle, he took Jamie’s bag making sure she was fine before he followed them toward the house and up the marble steps. Before they reached the door a well-dressed, older woman stepped out.

  Not in keeping with the ladylike image, she screamed at the top of her lungs and opened her arms to embrace Renée.

  “Renée, it’s so good to see you. You haven’t been by in ages. I was getting ready to send the cavalry out.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been so b
usy the past few weeks. But I’m here now.”

  “So this is the young gentleman who’s been keeping you so busy,” Gloria said, her gaze focused on Daniel.

  “No,” Renée responded quickly. “He’s just a colleague who’s working on a case with me.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, colleague,” she replied. “I’m Gloria. And since Renée hasn’t given me a name, the honor is yours.”

  “Daniel Buchanan. I’m a counselor at The Hope Center. Renée and I have been working with this fine young lady here together.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful. I had a child from Hope Center before. You do good work for children.” She turned to Jamie. “And this beautiful young lady must be Jamie. Welcome to my home.”

  Jamie smiled shyly.

  “I’ll get Delores to take you up to your room and introduce you to the other girls,” Gloria continued.

  The young girl who was standing at the door stepped forward and took Jamie’s bag.

  “Hi, I’m Delores,” she said to Jamie. “The other girls can’t wait to meet you.”

  Daniel noticed that Jamie relaxed physically. She was going to be fine. There was just something about this place that spoke of love and security. He was glad Renée thought about placing her here.

  “I like what you’re doing here for the girls.”

  “Oh, Daniel Buchanan, it’s my life. Someone has to help save these girls. Somebody helped and saved me. I have no choice but to do my part. God saw it fit to bless me after a bad start in the world. He deserved no less from me.”

  “I wish everyone in the world thought like you do. Maybe the world would be a better place.”

  “Isn’t that the truth. Now, would you like to come in to have a cup of coffee or tea?” Gloria asked.

  Before Renée could respond, Daniel answered. “I’m sorry. Renée and I have some business to discuss. And I’ve learned that it’s best when introducing a child to a new situation that it’s best to let them discover things and meet people on their own.”

  He could tell from the look on Renée’s face that she was not happy. He was sorry he had to do this, but they needed to talk before their already fragile relationship deteriorated any more. Plus, he wanted to make sure Jamie really did get a chance to bond with the other girls without their interference.

  Daniel watched as Renée took Gloria in her arms and hugged her tightly.

  “I love you,” she told her old friend.

  “Love you, too,” Gloria replied. They moved apart and Gloria turned to him.

  “It was nice meeting you, young man. You take care of my Renée and be sure to come back and see me. I’m sure we’ll have a lot to talk about.”

  Gloria paused for a moment. “I think I’m going to like you, Daniel.” She turned to Renée. “You take care of him and don’t let him get away.”

  Renée blushed and looked uncomfortable, but she did not respond, only smiled.

  “Well, enjoy the rest of the evening. I’m going in to have a chat with Jamie. And don’t be a stranger.” With that, she turned and walked in the direction they’d taken Jamie.

  Minutes later, Daniel drove out into the busy downtown street. He turned to Renée. “Want to get something to eat? We can talk, as well.”

  She nodded. “That’s fine.”

  “My apartment or yours?” he asked cautiously.

  “I’d prefer mine. I have a lot of work to do at home.”

  “Renée, I know you’re still annoyed with me, but we need to talk. If after we talk you want to go your merry way, then that’s what will happen. Is that fine with you?”

  He could feel her eyes on him, long and hard.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you. And we’ll talk.” She made a point to emphasize the word.

  They rode in silence, both troubled by their individual thoughts. Tonight they’d talk and that was all. For him, it would be difficult, especially with that dress Renée wore that highlighted her curves. He had no intention of letting its subtle seductiveness tempt him. He planned to be on his best behavior.

  Tonight he planned on sleeping in his own bed, alone.

  The dinner sparked with tension. Renée wondered how this was all going to end. A large bucket of extra crispy chicken, biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy, were spread out on the table on the balcony, which provided a view of the city that was made for romance. Autumn was in the air, but it was not chilly enough to remain indoors. In fact, the slight chill only served to invigorate.

  Daniel placed an unfinished chicken breast on the plate, rubbed his stomach and sighed with contentment.

  “I must admit, I love this chicken and there is nothing like these biscuits.”

  “I know what you mean. I try to avoid junk food, but there is just something about the Colonel.”

  She bit another piece of the chicken and placed her fork on the plate. “I can’t eat another bite.”

  He wiped his mouth. “So, can we have our little talk now?”

  “Yes, that’s fine,” Renée replied.

  “I just wanted to say how sorry I was about the other night. The attitude and all,” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she replied.

  “You know that’s not true, Renée. I can’t continue this conversation if we can’t be honest with each other.” He paused for a moment. “Look. I like you. You’re the first woman I’ve had any interest in since my wife died. I’d like to explore what we have. I’ve been thinking about you all the time. I mean, the sex is great, but I want what we have to be much more.”

  “I know what you mean,” Renée replied. “I like you, too. But what I don’t want to feel is that I’m a substitute for your wife. Or that you’re going to feel guilty each time we make love.”

  He nodded. “I promise you. It won’t be about my wife. I’m dealing with that. I did feel guilty at first, but one of the things my wife made me promise when we first got married is that we were to make sure that we were both happy no matter what, whether we were together or not.”

  Renée continued to look him in the eyes.

  “I’m not sure if I’m ready for serious commitment yet,” he continued. “But I know that I want you and I want to be with you.”

  “I’d like that,” she said softly. “That’s how I feel, too. But I’m not sure I have the time to be in a serious relationship right now.”

  She stopped talking and reached across to him. She wanted to kiss him. Had wanted to all day, but she’d kept her need under control. Giving in to the craving would be to admit that she was weakening.

  He kissed her, cautiously at first. But soon the kiss deepened, his tongue slipping inside her mouth, teasing her and causing her to moan softly. Her hands reached out to grip him, drawing him even closer. She wanted to feel him against her. She shifted, indicating that they should move inside. He complied, picking her up and carrying her back inside, then putting her on the couch and climbing on top.

  The kissing continued the entire time, and she wanted it to continue, to never stop. With every probe of his tongue, she felt shivers run along her spine and the ache and yearn of the heated spot between her legs. She could feel the force of his erection against her. The pulsing and the occasional jerk only served to increase her excitement. She wanted him inside her and though she knew she’d be making a mistake, she allowed her body to succumb to the desire.

  The kiss deepened until the heat inside was too much to bear. She felt hot all over, and arched her body against his, wanting the physical contact that could give some relief to her boiling need. Renée placed her hand between his legs, gripping the proof of his desire. She eased him off of her, forcing him to stand between her legs, unbuttoning his jeans and letting them fall to the floor. His boxers followed, exposing his impressive erection. She wanted to pleasure him, to taste him.

  She placed her mouth on him, delighted when his penis jerked lightly. His body tensed when she took him deeper inside her mouth, using her tongue to tease him, until his legs started to tremble with
his excitement.

  She stopped, wanting to take things even further. Standing, she took her dress off and tossed it on a nearby chair. Then Daniel took control.

  He lifted her, carrying her toward the desk in the corner of the room. He swiped the books on it onto the floor and sat her down, legs opened. He slipped a condom on and spread her legs wider, entering her.

  The force of his entry surprised her, but she welcomed him with a wild animal cry. She curled her legs around his buttocks until she could feel the full length of his penis throbbing inside her.

  Daniel thrusted into her hard, and she took each thrust with her own gyration. She placed her hands behind his back, feeling the firmness and force of his movement. She wanted to urge him on with words, but the only sounds she could make were cries of pleasure that made him move faster and thrust even deeper.

  And when she thought she could take no more, her excitement intensified and white heat surged through her body. Her muscles clenched, and she screamed as spasm after spasm wracked her body. Seconds later, Daniel’s body stiffened, and he growled as his penis contracted and jerked deep inside her, his body trembling powerfully with his own release.

  Daniel held her tightly as they rode out the waves of their passion, until their breathing slowed and they regained some measure of control.

  He kissed her again. A gentle, tender kiss that seemed so in contrast with what had just happened between them. While their tongues entwined, he lifted her tenderly and headed to the bedroom.

  She wanted him again, but knew that they needed time to recover. She wasn’t worried. She knew they’d make love again…and again…before the night was over.

  Chapter 10

  During the night, Daniel woke to the sound of gentle breathing. He looked down at the woman who’d fallen asleep in his arms. The moon cast a single ray of light which caressed Renée’s face, making her appear even more beautiful. The contrast of light and shadows seemed in keeping with the nature of their relationship. However, he was sure that their relationship would move to another level after tonight.